Products - Dairy Cattle
Garland Farming Stocks Cc has successfully exported Dairy cattle to various destinations around the world.
Pasture Grazing
Our industry is based on year round extensive pasture based grazing systems rather than intensive feedlot type production systems. These systems allow Garland Farming Stocks to select dairy cattle based on their environmental adaptability for various export markets.
Dairy cattle are those breeds that produce larger volumes of milk for a longer period of time than other cows. The most common dairy breeds are Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayrshire, and Milking Shorthorn. The Holstein Friesian and Jersey are the most popular breed used due to their ability to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions and its large milk production capabilities. Other dairy breeds are available but only in smaller numbers. For more information do not hesitate to contact us.
Dairy Cattle Breeds
Holsteins excel at producing milk, and are the high performance athletes of cattle. They are unrivalled in terms of milk production volume. Their calm, relaxed nature make them easy to handle.
Origin: Netherlands
Average Breed Weight: 680 kg
Production: 9979kg per year
Jerseys produce milk with the highest components (protein, and butterfat) and their milk is ideal for making cheese. Their small size also makes them one of the most efficient converters of feed to milk.
Origin: Jersey Island
Average Breed Weight: 453 kg
Production: 7484kg per year
Brown Swiss
Brown Swiss are strong, hardy cows. It is this strength and power that sets them apart from other dairy breeds. Being the biggest dairy breed, their durability and longevity are great characteristics.
Origin: Switzerland
Average Breed Weight: 816 kg
Production: 8391kg per year
Guernsey Cows are renowned for their special milk which is golden in colour. The milks golden colour is due to large amounts of beta-carotene which is a source of Vitamin A. Beta-carotene has been found to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
Origin: Isle of Guernsey
Average Breed Weight: 498 kg
Production: 7484kg per year
The Ayrshire originated in Scotland where they were specially bred with animals being brought in from the Netherlands. These animals were then exported around the world to many different locations around the globe.
Origin: Scotland
Average Breed Weight: 544 kg
Production: 8164kg per year
Milking Shorthorn
Milking Shorthorn first came to the U.S. in 1783 in Maryland and Virginia. A Milking Shorthorn milking demonstration was actually conducted at the World’s Exposition in 1893. Milking Shorthorn are strong, durable cattle that are known their high levels of fertility, and grazing efficiency. They also possess many desirable health traits which make them very versatile for a number of production environments.
Origin: England
Average Breed Weight: 566 kg
Production: 7937kg per year